Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thaddeus Sholto when he saw him at the window.

 and that night he did choose
 and that night he did choose. as though they had frequently been used as a ladder. One of our greatest statesmen has said that a change of work is the best rest. He was closely followed by an inspector in uniform. men." said I. and we found ourselves within Bartholomew Sholto's chamber. That will do. for the test was. No wonder that the grounds look like a gravel- pit. sir?""He wanted a dog of yours. "because you once enabled my employer. however.""It was in his pocket-book that we found it. What justice can she have? It is too much to suppose that her father is still alive. cordially. and with a most comical cock to its head." he answered. looking from one to the other of us for some sign of appreciation. kindly glance from one to the other of us. The launch was not at any landing-stage or wharf. A wondrous subtle thing is love. if you can catch him I don't see how I can refuse you an interview with him.To my surprise. that I was irritated by the egotism which seemed to demand that every line of my pamphlet should be devoted to his own special doings. That is why I have chosen my own particular profession. and look out for Blondin.

--that's my eldest. pattered off upon the trail at a pace which strained his leash and kept us at the top of our speed. Further arrests may be expected at any moment. Miss Morstan and I chatted in an undertone about our present expedition and its possible outcome. I have here a watch which has recently come into my possession. with his eyes on the Aurora.--a brown. risk the loss of those great powers with which you have been endowed? Remember that I speak not only as one comrade to another. I fear. have known him." said Holmes. springing against it. however. Forrester had been so interested by the strange message which Miss Morstan had received that she had sat up in the hope of her return.--and away they went. He had signed it in behalf of himself and his associates. He had been one of the officers in charge of the convict-guard there. the letter. He is only wanting in knowledge; and that may come in time. Now. her lip trembled. for the chances are that they are all he has. Il n'y a pas des sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit!""You see!" said Athelney Jones.""I give you my word on that. After you was gone he walked and he walked. Finally he thrust the sharp point home." thought I.

""Why." said Holmes. or go off in a balloon. I discovered a thorn which had been driven or shot with no great force into the scalp. I had inquiries made.--There is a boatman here with a wherry. however. It is more handy than a label. WITHIN A WEEK OF HIS DEATH Captain Morstan's daughter receives a valuable present. What sober man's key could have scored those grooves? But you will never see a drunkard's watch without them. and I could see by his drawn brow and his vacant eye that he was thinking intently. "Yes. was full of curiosity. it is no great wonder that our trail should have been crossed. "You have important information. and here again upon the floor. "I have seen him like this before. and then again interminable lines of new staring brick buildings. look where I would. sat sullenly in their launch. It is most irregular; but of course an agreement is an agreement. I expected something definite by this time. "So help me gracious. and the whole air was heavy with the smell of creasote." said he. The major had retired some little time before.""It was to him I was to tell it.

 There was no help for it. dear! oh. I am sure I shall." I suggested. you are very likely to get what you want. and furtive were his movements.""No. for he mistakes a white tradesman for him. He is only wanting in knowledge; and that may come in time. Look at the thousands of scratches all round the hole. The best defence that I can make is just the simple truth. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time. On reaching London I drove to the Langham.At three o'clock in the afternoon there was a loud peal at the bell." said I. That is all I can gather. Diminutive footmarks. Here. Four years later Sholto dies. Mrs. He and papa were in command of the troops at the Andaman Islands. I have a curious constitution. with my heavy iron box. of his own regiment. The old woman was pacing up and down with a scared look and restless picking fingers. we are not so quick in condemning them. until the gray turban and white feather were but a speck in the sombre crowd.

 "has caused us rather to lose sight of the original purpose of our journey." said Holmes. If ever man had an easy task. No wonder that the grounds look like a gravel- pit. Sit over here on the sofa. earnestly. who had called at the house with Mr." he said. Standing at the window.""About twelve o'clock last night. the theorist. My mother was dead. and thought the whole matter out again. Twice as we ascended Holmes whipped his lens out of his pocket and carefully examined marks which appeared to me to be mere shapeless smudges of dust upon the cocoa-nut matting which served as a stair- carpet. The earth is of this peculiar reddish tint which is found. steep prow cut through the river-water and sent two rolling waves to right and to left of us. a good many of the criminal classes begin to know me. is the way by which Number One entered. save that he had laid aside his violin and was deep in a book. but he turned on me."You are knocking yourself up. she replaced her pearl-box in her bosom and hurried away. eagerly. Athelney Jones. to a deeper and far more tragic mystery. I don't like that wooden-legged man. which robs me of my most suggestive facts.

 Rutland Island. We had hardly reached the third pillar. he's that strange. and a very stout. was full of kindness and love. But you must put yourself under my orders. and rolled back his left shirt-cuff. but we paid him well. Then he waddled round in circles. His great powers. and the other at St."The Sahib awaits you."What a strange place!" she said. Watson. And now he is dead. Watson. "What do you make of it?"I stooped to the hole.""It is simplicity itself. However. and she showed every sign of intense inward agitation. maybe I could serve as well. On this our guide knocked with a peculiar postman-like rat-tat. sir. until our friend returns. His expression was downcast. nor as much as a crevice in the brick-work.""In God's name.

 Better have your ham and eggs first. Two constables guarded the narrow gate. now! Didn't I tell you!" cried the poor little man. in brisk. Well. while against the red glare of the furnace I could see old Smith. and. or part of it. "if I can be of any service. wringing his hands and moaning to himself. I argued. ending at last in a smell which fairly drove me out of the apartment. This lair of his would be too valuable a retreat in case of need for him to give it up until he was sure that he could do without it. and. I must reconsider my ideas. At the same moment the wooden- legged man threw himself upon the rudder and put it hard down." she said. she gave a toss of her proud head. in and out. in you come. on medieval pottery.--sad faces and glad. raising her voice in a wail of expostulation and dismay. But you spoke just now of observation and deduction. and that l an e. send an inspector with you. and seated himself with his face resting on his hands.

"A heavy step was heard ascending the stair. heavy evening. He was red-faced. By the way. I can see the two of them now as they stood.""There. and get away in the way that he originally came. and pronounce a specialist's opinion. These flashes come upon me at times. however--""I never make exceptions." he remarked. I even embodied it in a small brochure with the somewhat fantastic title of 'A Study in Scarlet. until our friend returns. One of these appeared to leak or to have been broken. and was surprised to find him standing by my bedside."There's the print of wooden-leg's hand. I confess that I do not see how this bears upon the matter. Dr. inscribed as you see it. the steps which had been coming nearer sounded loudly on the passage. indeed. "I did not observe. Detection is. sir. From the time that he left his brother's room he was never out of sight of some one or other. It argues. to fall into error through the over-refinement of his logic.

 with a net-work of lines and wrinkles all over his mahogany features. Like all human kind. But you don't think so. What data could he expect from an uncleaned watch?"Though unsatisfactory. we are on the true scent now. broken whimpering of a frightened woman. even as my hand had in the garden." said Holmes. "I feared that our talk would wake you. We told him nothing. Captain Morstan disappears. for I wanted to speak to Mr. "Subject to your correction. and the bright stair-rods. Your father has.""What time was that?""It was ten o'clock. It was all we could do to overhaul her." she said. The only question is. if you can catch him I don't see how I can refuse you an interview with him. and her hand was in mine." said she. Men of character always differentiate their long letters. There was. I communicated with the police. from Senegambia. for no one ever knew.

" and "tours-de-force. But you will know all about it soon enough. the appearance of Athelney Jones. and then burst into a passion of weeping. As he hunted about." she said. relieved only by a suspicion of white feather in the side. everything; and yet I can get no news. massive house. and the whole air was heavy with the smell of creasote. as it were. W. a middle-aged. Holmes. But there is some one at the door. the footsteps. Jack."There was a grumbling sound and a clanking and jarring of keys. If Holmes could work to find the criminals. I am going to smoke and to think over this queer business to which my fair client has introduced us. Holmes? Sholto was.""Ah. The floor was covered thickly with the prints of a naked foot. was on the table; and beside it lay this rather curious stone-headed instrument. corresponding with those upon Captain Morstan's chart. She has told me since that she thought me cold and distant upon that journey. He was a good-sized.

 At first I had some idea as to the direction in which we were driving; but soon."Nothing you would like better?""I'd like two shillin' better.'"He shook his head sadly. Athelney Jones. We were round after her in an instant. "Now stand clear. it's not quite so bad as that. that is all. "Friend Sholto is safe. As we steamed slowly up-stream again. I walked over to Camberwell in the evening to report our ill success to the ladies. this is the great Agra treasure. "Perhaps one of those Indians who were the associates of Jonathan Small. looking from one to the other of us for some sign of appreciation. They seem to have covered their tracks."No. the fog. This. for his knees were trembling under him. with a net-work of lines and wrinkles all over his mahogany features. but his stump instantly sank its whole length into the sodden soil. "What is to be done?""The door must come down. smoking his pipe. and I caught something of Holmes's gaiety. I don't know that there is anything else. laughing. and I caught something of Holmes's gaiety.

""It was to him himself I was to tell it." I answered. Bring the box back with you to the Baker Street rooms. sloping at a gentle angle. In vain he struggled and writhed. did you deduce the telegram?""Why. "Toby has lost his character for infallibility. but sat nursing my wounded leg. seize me and treat me in this fashion!""You will be none the worse. for here were we two who had never seen each other before that day." I answered.""Well. He says that no trace can be found of the launch. the steps which had been coming nearer sounded loudly on the passage. putting his hand upon his shoulder."It is Mrs. Mr. "but no sign of a handkerchief. save that he had laid aside his violin and was deep in a book.It was a long day." he remarked. The card is some hocus-pocus. He was quite sharp enough to see that.""You are both very kind. I was introduced. sir. then.

"Go on. My lens discloses more than one blood-mark. I began by stating that your brother was careless. It was twilight before we reached the Tower. and yet there is no light in his window. While there was a chance of recovering it I was ready to devote my life to the one object. But I weary you with my hobby. A client is to me a mere unit." said Sherlock Holmes. but she was already nearly at the bank. "They are disguised hands. Up to the small hours of the morning I could hear the clinking of his test-tubes which told me that he was still engaged in his malodorous experiment.""In this case it certainly is so. my man?""At the bottom of the river.--that he had occasional bursts of prosperity.--a blind. Sherlock Holmes was never at fault. and made no difficulties about accompanying me. "It was nothing. as we landed near Millbank Penitentiary. that is more than I can tell. It seemed to me that there was more sorrow than anger in his rigid and contained countenance. the same bloodless countenance. You know my theory about this Norwood case?""I remember that you expressed one. You recollect how annoyed I was at being balked by so small a thing?""Yes." said the face. Thaddeus.

 the barometer. which you will perhaps read for yourself. Again and again I had registered a vow that I should deliver my soul upon the subject. That is much more likely. shaking his head. sir. How was the window?""Fastened; but there are steps on the sill.When the cloth was cleared. Of course this may prove to be a false alarm; but it is my duty as an officer of the law to allow no chance to slip. and here again by the table. He is only wanting in knowledge; and that may come in time."Yes. The dress was a sombre grayish beige. which is kind o' thick and foggy. And rather to Jonathan's disgust. The key being turned. No water-pipe near. turning upon his heel. With lolling tongue and blinking eyes. Captain Morstan disappears. By her advice I published my address in the advertisement column. 'The sign of the four. The answer should give us the--But halloo! here are the accredited representatives of the law. "It grows darker instead of clearer. to judge by the way he stamped about when he got into the room. lighting a cigar. "not to allow your judgment to be biased by personal qualities.

 down near the water's edge at Lambeth. and a dense drizzly fog lay low upon the great city.""But that is mere speculation. a terrible expression when moved to anger. it was past three o'clock. It would be quite bright. no. several bricks had been loosened. and I still seem to see that little group on the step. He makes one curious but profound remark. give me work. I have coursed many creatures in many countries during my checkered career.--that's my eldest. I lost sight of him behind a stack of chimneys. my man?" I asked.""We all need help sometimes.""That was the idea which occurred to me the instant I saw the drawn muscles of the face. None of us alluded during dinner to the cause which had brought us together."I cannot understand it. "Have you had fresh news. for he had a remarkable gift for improvisation. firm way.""Right.""I may be very obtuse. menacing eyes amid the white swirl of the waters. up and down. At the sound of his strident.

 we shall now extend our researches to the room above. and I could see by his drawn brow and his vacant eye that he was thinking intently. We both stood gazing in astonishment. I looked about in the hope of seeing a note. Athelney Jones. "An injured lady. He was left with good prospects. And here is a circular muddy mark."We are certainly in luck. save the major and one faithful servant who had died. of Pondicherry Lodge. "Now stand clear." he remarked. some condition under which he received it unfulfilled. In shape and size it was not unlike a cigarette-case. with stray "magnifiques. I don't feel no malice against you for it. Mrs. as I drew her to my side. He looked across at me. she had borne trouble with a calm face as long as there was some one weaker than herself to support. You must go up. Are you all ready? Then we had better go down. a rather curious associate. It is.""Isn't it gorgeous!" said Holmes. "What do you think of it?""I think that we have had a close shave ourselves of being arrested for the crime.

 "You know my methods. With all my omissions. I have a wiper in the bag. How of the window?" He carried the lamp across to it. I am going down the river; and if I should see anything of the Aurora I shall let him know that you are uneasy." said I.And the more I thought of what had happened. did he come?""He came through the hole in the roof.""And was this wooden-legged man alone?""Couldn't say.""Quite so." said he. "to the success of our little expedition.""That is satisfactory so far as it goes. and now found ourselves in Kennington Lane. I was placed. until such dangerous thoughts came into my head that I hurried away to my desk and plunged furiously into the latest treatise upon pathology. I expected something definite by this time. surely. I wonder what the fresh clue may be; though it seems to be a stereotyped form whenever the police have made a blunder. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto. steep prow cut through the river-water and sent two rolling waves to right and to left of us."A young lady for you. He must have done so. Smith!""Lor' bless you.--especially in cases of unclaimed bodies. as we landed near Millbank Penitentiary. and darted away with an energy and determination such as he had not yet shown.

""We all need help sometimes. We shall be lying off in the stream. but at the sixteenth--Jacobson's--I learned that the Aurora had been handed over to them two days ago by a wooden-legged man. Just imagine what it must be to be so rich. and. Watson?" he cried. Paul's. How. as far as I know. "The watch has been recently cleaned. We shall keep you." I answered. I knew his voice. I ordered it for half-past six. How of the window?" He carried the lamp across to it. I fear. and as I stretched myself out he began to play some low. She was still. then. she first turned faint. "You will excuse me. That. sir. Finally he thrust the sharp point home. When I looked back on the long chain of curious circumstances. You can catch glimpses of the river. his earnest face.

--you must go up and look for yourself. with some trivial directions as to her rudder. But you must have formed your own opinion. however. "but there can be no question as to the authorship. in a comfortable boarding establishment at Edinburgh. as to the whereabouts of the said Mordecai Smith and the launch Aurora.It appeared to have been fitted up as a chemical laboratory. and how did they go? The door has not been opened since last night." I answered."But I tell you that I am acting for him. then. in any of them."I picked up my hat and my heaviest stick. to me it has meant slavery for life. and so brought into closer and more effective touch with the cases which it is their duty to investigate."This was an unexpected obstacle.--the secret room in which the treasure was found. But you have yourself had some experience of my methods of work in the Jefferson Hope case. whether they are the right men or not. has already been arrested. Lark Hall Lane. His trained and experienced faculties were at once directed towards the detection of the criminals." With great activity. with an hysterical sob. amiable people. never foretell what any one man will do.

 but we cannot be certain. That is all I can gather. overhear every one. Particular man in his stationery. calmly."Don't trouble yourself about it."I took the paper from him and read the short notice.At breakfast-time he looked worn and haggard. Athelney Jones. with stooping shoulders. in a muffled. so I gives it the run o' the room.""And so am I. look where I would."We all followed him into the housekeeper's room. As you saw."Yes; he has followed my father's custom.""Yes. now! Didn't I tell you!" cried the poor little man. but I observed that Holmes took his revolver from his drawer and slipped it into his pocket.Yet upon that afternoon. It will be ready in half an hour. Their feet and hands. He takes with him. Twice as we ascended Holmes whipped his lens out of his pocket and carefully examined marks which appeared to me to be mere shapeless smudges of dust upon the cocoa-nut matting which served as a stair- carpet."That you. searches his private papers in the hope of discovering some memorandum relating to the treasure.

" thought I." said he. I ordered it for half-past six. and Mrs. and." said I. What wrong can it refer to except this deprivation of her father? And why should the presents begin immediately after Sholto's death." remarked Holmes.""Certainly. You might swarm up. It has. the discovery of the Aurora. McMurdo!" he said. Sherlock Holmes looked slowly round. As he hunted about. what could Jonathan Small do? He could only continue to keep a secret watch upon the efforts made to find the treasure. You can see the outline of the edge of his small foot here at the side of this evil-smelling mess. It is only half-past three. He is going to bring you up to my rooms. He possesses two out of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. and finally leaves a momento of his visit in the short inscription upon the card. lifting him down from the barrel and walking him out of the timber-yard. It was a shock to me to hear that I had placed my friends in such horrible peril. Mrs. He is going to bring you up to my rooms. Then he waddled round in circles. You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind.

 The treasure."Here you are. Holmes advanced along it in the same slow and methodical way.--her smiles. he died."A young lady for you.--a factor in a problem. and finally. a heavy boot with the broad metal heel. I think we may all congratulate each other. kindly glance from one to the other of us. this Hippocratic smile. prevented the case from becoming the pretty little intellectual problem which it at one time promised to be. 'Be at the third pillar from the left outside the Lyceum Theatre to- night at seven o'clock.""That you gather. Are you going to bed. now! Didn't I tell you!" cried the poor little man. "But our expedition of to-night will solve them all."There is no great mystery in this matter."The little man obeyed in a half-stupefied fashion. I argued that the launch must be no great way off. do!" pleaded Thaddeus Sholto. portly man in a gray suit strode heavily into the room. "There is something positively inhuman in you at times. sure enough. It is the only hypothesis which covers the facts. Bartholomew Sholto.

"Here you are. Leave the dog here. though his heavy brows and aggressive chin gave him." I cried. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto. Wiggins."We did indeed get a fleeting view of a stretch of the Thames with the lamps shining upon the broad." I said.Sherlock Holmes and I looked blankly at each other. On the dog raced through sawdust and shavings. Mordecai Smith."I am sure I don't know." he answered."He smiled at my vehemence.--here was indeed a labyrinth in which a man less singularly endowed than my fellow-lodger might well despair of ever finding the clue. An' I knows where the men he is after are. and knocked in his peculiar way. A double line of glass-stoppered bottles was drawn up upon the wall opposite the door. who I never saw in my life. It only remains to follow the other. But hush! what is that?"He held up the lantern. I must. "I am afraid for his health?""Why so.""I think we gain a little. sir. now! Didn't I tell you!" cried the poor little man. "It was nothing.

 "The energetic Jones and the ubiquitous reporter have fixed it up between them. I expected it." he said.--a very able and efficient ally. and the poison had done its work: so Jonathan Small left his record.""But you might have stuck to Mordecai Smith."Ah! it's all right. laughing. and a little.' Mark that. if he should happen to have another of his attacks of energy."You are knocking yourself up. I think. rubbing his hands. "The envelope too. I looked about in the hope of seeing a note. It is that the chief proof of man's real greatness lies in his perception of his own smallness. Let us look at it from his point of view. Looking straight at me. it is in the steam launch that he has gone."Winwood Reade is good upon the subject.""No. dryly. He was an aged man. with a pair of very small twinkling eyes which looked keenly out from between swollen and puffy pouches. and his thick lips were writhed back from his teeth. Toby never hesitated or swerved. and the most repellant man of my acquaintance is a philanthropist who has spent nearly a quarter of a million upon the London poor.

 shaking his head. "I can see him plainly. Ah." I said to Mrs. He had doubtless planned beforehand that should he slay the major he would leave some such record upon the body as a sign that it was not a common murder. the master of the house was seated all in a heap." said Holmes. by the precision of the other's manner. with its gloom and its deathly silence. and they would be off out of the country. for example. stood forward with an air of lounging superiority which was very funny in such a disreputable little scarecrow. "I regret the injustice which I did you. He found out where Sholto lived. I have seen something of the sort on the side of a hill near Ballarat. and instead--" She put her hand to her throat. 1882. My name figures in no newspaper. and I shall let him know. with a net-work of lines and wrinkles all over his mahogany features.""You are right. you have! You might have aimed high. I argued that the launch must be no great way off. Don't you remember the amateur who fought three rounds with you at Alison's rooms on the night of your benefit four years back?""Not Mr."Oh. "One bumper. and the lantern quivered and rattled in his hand. by which I understand that he has got some clue to this Sholto business.

 If YOU can trace him. to look at them. cottonwoods--Ah. When I made my way round there I found him seated at one of the corner eaves. brisk man in the dress of a coachman accosted us. however. we stepped on board. It's a very dark case.""Quite so. happening to pick up one of my boys on the way. and retorts. I explained. The only question is. however. but an honored friend. What could you go into the post-office for.--Just you carry them down with you. bediamonded women. however. on an unknown errand. surprised look come over his face. my dear boy! it was simplicity itself. Standing at the window. you have never yet recognized my merits as a housekeeper. He tapped at the winder. Have you ever had occasion to study character in handwriting? What do you make of this fellow's scribble?""It is legible and regular. "It is cocaine. I don't feel no malice against you for it.

 I understand. many of them trivial in themselves. You see. for a stream of dark-colored liquid had trickled out from it. Hudson. and if anything made him suspicious lie snug for another week. A quarter of an hour's drive brought us to Mrs.--a statement which was confirmed by a great pile of coke upon the jetty. Mr."The treasure is gone!" he said. He and I have worked together before. Mr. and I could see little of his face save a pair of keen dark eyes. wrong. and I was conscious of a strong reaction after the successive excitements of the night. staring up at the ceiling with dreamy. In front a continuous stream of hansoms and four- wheelers were rattling up. Could there be. however--""I never make exceptions. Cold Harbor Lane. I have just found. Sholto usually went down to his supper. I expect to hear before evening that they have spotted her. named McMurdo. when we had regained the lower room once more."Good-day. Bear that in mind. His hairiness was the one point which impressed itself upon Thaddeus Sholto when he saw him at the window.

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