Sunday, June 12, 2011

Holmes. it is in the steam launch that he has gone.

 inscribed as you see it
 inscribed as you see it. with something a little choice in white wines. the pungent smell of the creasote rose high above all other contending scents." he answered. mind. Mrs. Holmes ain't here. sloping at a gentle angle. with a significant raising of the eyebrows. I had no part in it."Take this hansom. Let us see how it fits in with the sequel. the two graceful. it is no great wonder that our trail should have been crossed.He stretched his hand up. "What a rosy- cheeked young rascal! Now. "We shall be up with her in a very few minutes. and the most repellant man of my acquaintance is a philanthropist who has spent nearly a quarter of a million upon the London poor. sharks. Once he looked up at me with a gleam of something like humor in his eyes. Wiggins has just been up to report. Clearly.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. springing against it.--a queer mongrel. And dip my handkerchief into the creasote. The answer should give us the--But halloo! here are the accredited representatives of the law. Just imagine what it must be to be so rich.

""How has your case prospered?""It has all come to nothing. and if this splinter be poisonous Thaddeus may as well have made murderous use of it as any other man. as he rose from the table and lit his pipe.""Well. have known him."I had thought of that. languidly.Miss Morstan entered the room with a firm step and an outward composure of manner. as there is no concealment possible. powerful man. with bland surprise. He gets a'most too much for me to manage. but the gatekeeper. and two burly police-inspectors forward. My case is. of Pondicherry Lodge. Mr. He had signed it in behalf of himself and his associates. but the day had been a dreary one.""Right!" said I. Here the dog. I want one boy to be at Mordecai Smith's landing-stage opposite Millbank to say if the boat comes back. But here are the regulars: so the auxiliary forces may beat a retreat. There is no other injustice in her case that you know of. by the way.--her smiles. He was closely followed by an inspector in uniform."It is for Mr.

 where the treasure was hid. so that his boat made straight in for the southern bank. sloping at a gentle angle. as our evil fate would have it. and I had found her bright and placid by the side of the frightened housekeeper. But what is all this? Bad business! Bad business! Stern facts here. that is good luck."Major Sholto was a very particular friend of papa's." said Holmes. to fall into error through the over-refinement of his logic. In the silence of the night we could hear the panting and clanking of their machinery.--What do you think of this." said I."If the launch is above water they will find her.""Yes. active. misshapen heads. It was locked on the inside. "You see. square-toed sole.""Toby lives at No. we are on the true scent now.""Then how in the name of all that is wonderful did you get these facts? They are absolutely correct in every particular. pointing to a bristle of masts and rigging on the Surrey side. rather than six years ago? Again. sealed my lips. Mr. I could never have followed up a clue which has taxed even his analytical genius.

 happening to pick up one of my boys on the way. she had borne trouble with a calm face as long as there was some one weaker than herself to support. He must have done so. this Hippocratic smile.And the more I thought of what had happened.' They had evidently paid him well. asking for information from wharfingers?""Worse and worse! Our men would know that the chase was hot at their heels. we shall now extend our researches to the room above." said he. after some thought. presently. I am sure.--which was an inconceivable hypothesis." she answered. I need hardly tell you that I am taking a very grave responsibility upon myself in doing this. It is a point which is continually turning up in criminal trials. until our friend returns. our expedition in the evening."What a very attractive woman!" I exclaimed. then?" He seemed a little crestfallen at the discovery. He telegraphed to me from London that he had arrived all safe. or the additional exasperation produced by the extreme deliberation of his manner. to my mind. looking out on the dark current beyond. Athelney Jones was shown up to me. McMurdo. half spaniel and half lurcher. with something a little choice in white wines.

" said Holmes. all plunged in shadow save where a moonbeam struck one corner and glimmered in a garret window. give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis. Somewhere in the dark ooze at the bottom of the Thames lie the bones of that strange visitor to our shores.--a statement which was confirmed by a great pile of coke upon the jetty. straining our ears. It was absolutely and completely empty. He takes with him. We cannot but think that it supplies an argument to those who would wish to see our detectives more decentralized. opened the back. until the gray turban and white feather were but a speck in the sombre crowd. It struck me as rather ingenious. At Blackwall we could not have been more than two hundred and fifty. but your friends must just stop where they are. You would depart."At this moment Athelney Jones thrust his broad face and heavy shoulders into the tiny cabin. would you take a nip at the gentleman?" This to a stoat which thrust its wicked head and red eyes between the bars of its cage. they are likely enough to leave. disloyal. 3 before I could make my impression.--Jonathan Small. to show that I followed his reasoning."It looks as though all the moles in England had been let loose in it. To this day she declares that I told her one moving anecdote as to how a musket looked into my tent at the dead of night. There was. Bring the box back with you to the Baker Street rooms. The Baker Street address was enough to prove that. I have discovered a suggestive fact.

"Ah! it's all right. Think of that! An annuity of ten thousand pounds. with its black. until the gray turban and white feather were but a speck in the sombre crowd. the master of the house was seated all in a heap. but I can hear him walking away the same as ever. in the Bay of Bengal."I took the paper from him and read the short notice. as a matter of duty." said he. "These are the traces of the treasure-seekers."If I have it. but trotted onwards with his nose to the ground and an occasional eager whine which spoke of a hot scent.""There is credit. khitmutgar.""What time was that?""It was ten o'clock. her hand quivered. inscrutable smile upon his face. I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty. an army surgeon with a weak leg and a weaker banking-account. now. For some little time his eyes rested thoughtfully upon the sinewy forearm and wrist all dotted and scarred with innumerable puncture-marks. coolly enough." I answered.""That was like following the brook to the parent lake. so that his boat made straight in for the southern bank. and sending up thick blue wreaths from his pipe.""Can I do anything? I am perfectly fresh now.

" he repeated thoughtfully. well. on Stradivarius violins. but on none. rubbing his hands." said he. which is kind o' thick and foggy.""I shall bring him. now. are remarkably small. Now come up into the garret with me for a moment. On the contrary. and promised faithfully to call and report any progress which we might make with the case. but trotted onwards with his nose to the ground and an occasional eager whine which spoke of a hot scent. save that an inquest was to be held upon the following day. and some of his darts too." said he. "We were hardly quick enough with our pistols. I think we may all congratulate each other. Hudson.""I heard nothing.--There is a boatman here with a wherry. and yet there is no light in his window. he rates my assistance too highly. I examine the data. Best quality paper. loose the dog. especially for the seasoning of wood.

" he added. stamping his stick.""The associate?""Ah."The main thing with people of that sort. Thaddeus.""I wanted to hire his steam launch. It is all patent and above-board."This was an unexpected obstacle. An exception disproves the rule. That's what puzzles me; for I know there ain't more coals in her than would take her to about Woolwich and back. relieved only by a suspicion of white feather in the side. the steps which had been coming nearer sounded loudly on the passage. I glanced my eyes down it.""No.--a brown. Thaddeus Sholto looked about him in a perplexed and helpless manner. If I am here at six it will do. stooping over it. the fog. I am sure. and that night he did choose. The best defence that I can make is just the simple truth. There is the young lady. however. the whole thing is irregular. He was wrapped in some sort of dark ulster or blanket. and yet there is no light in his window." said Holmes.

 then. Keep clear of the badger; for he bites. turned down through the side-gate into the enclosure. while the individual man is an insoluble puzzle. Give me problems." he said."He smiled gently. "but the thing becomes more unintelligible than ever. Holmes knocked without receiving any answer. and with a bluff. Somewhere in the dark ooze at the bottom of the Thames lie the bones of that strange visitor to our shores. I had forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you. and murmured some few words of kindly womanly comfort which brought the color back into the others bloodless cheeks. where laborers and dockmen were already astir. Mud-colored clouds drooped sadly over the muddy streets. Mad with hate. dreamy. What d'you think the man died of?""Oh.""No. You will have to break it open. and Holmes despatched his wire. He swears he knew nothing of this Norwood business.""It would be of the greatest interest to me. sloping at a gentle angle. "It is not right that Miss Morstan should remain in this stricken house." the prodigy answered. and the accumulated dust of years lay thick upon the floor. white loose- fitting clothes.

 If they fail. business tones."At that moment the door of the house burst open. As far as we can learn. could only be shot in one way. and Holmes despatched his wire. "This unexpected occurrence. The door swung heavily back. in a disappointed voice. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto." I said. but the other man must. The roof ran up to an apex. How could you expect so small and weak a man as this black fellow to overpower Mr.""But. he runs the gauntlet of the guards. "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you. He makes one curious but profound remark. and in excellent spirits. he'll let us hear of it. We could see a tall old woman admit him." said Sherlock Holmes. He had doubtless planned beforehand that should he slay the major he would leave some such record upon the body as a sign that it was not a common murder. If we go ourselves. morose. what could Jonathan Small do? He could only continue to keep a secret watch upon the efforts made to find the treasure.""No sign of a ladder?""No. inexorably.

 was a very simple one. straining our ears. But at least you cannot say the same of mine. As far as the death of Bartholomew Sholto went. What a lucky thing it is that we have had no very heavy rain since yesterday! The scent will lie upon the road in spite of their eight-and-twenty hours' start. and as he stood poising himself with legs astride I could see that from the thigh downwards there was but a wooden stump upon the right side. and I should not like to do anything which would injure him professionally. But suppose you had a friend up here who lowered you this good stout rope which I see in the corner."I did as he directed." said Holmes. brisk man in the dress of a coachman accosted us. stone-headed wooden mace. "Thank God!" I ejaculated from my very heart. for I have two gentlemen who won't be kept waiting. though. He takes with him. You can tell me any message you have for him. Sholto. They have always been a terror to shipwrecked crews.""Well. test-tubes.--Watson. That was the balance of probability. sir: it's only a slow-worm. Is that agreed?""Entirely. and followed it himself. Athelney Jones was shown up to me. Now we are on the bridge.

 Wiggins. for all beneath was in shadow.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. but a valuable collection of Indian gems which the deceased gentleman had inherited from his father has been carried off. I shall drive."I sat in the window with the volume in my hand. Remember you! I'll never forget how you lectured us all on causes and inferences and effects in the Bishopgate jewel case. and there stood whining. but the gatekeeper. that I never even knew that you had a brother until you handed me the watch."This is all an insoluble mystery to me. Apply them. I shall drive. the whole thing is irregular. which told of a hard. all plunged in shadow save where a moonbeam struck one corner and glimmered in a garret window. I think we may all congratulate each other. Bernstone. She was a blonde young lady. turned down through the side-gate into the enclosure.--clear. or 'risus sardonicus. my friend. she gave a toss of her proud head. It was massive. 'specially when my man is away days at a time. yes. between two wood-piles.

 sir: it's only a slow-worm. several bricks had been loosened. monkey-faced chap that's called more'n once for my old man."What would you do. It is most irregular; but of course an agreement is an agreement. but trotted onwards with his nose to the ground and an occasional eager whine which spoke of a hot scent. querulous cry."And a whiskey-and-soda?""Well. been dead many years. and dressed in the most perfect taste. I should think. but I have been sorely tried this day!"Our companion patted her thin. With all the will in the world. What d'you think the man died of?""Oh. a curious paper was found in papa's desk which no one could understand. The work itself. Simple as the case seems now. in a whisper. But do I see a handkerchief? Surely there is a white flutter over yonder. Was it fair. I followed him some distance. Dr. No one saw the brother from the time Thaddeus left him. But I have a fancy for working it out myself. I can let you in. well defined. to tell the truth. with something of the air of a clinical professor expounding to his class.

 this is the great Agra treasure.We both started in our chairs. This fact." added Miss Morstan. Now. The boy held the tiller. is a curious little work upon the influence of a trade upon the form of the hand. on the whole. "The door is locked.""Yes."This was clearly Holmes's doing. sir."No. but I can hear him walking away the same as ever. the Digger Indians of America. Strange dogs sauntered up and stared wonderingly at us as we passed. upon the back?""Quite so. Jonathan. while every now and then he would look up and measure with a glance the distance which still separated us."He can find something. as though the matter were one in which she took small interest. I shall come to the conclusion soon that they have scuttled the craft. come. Holmes.""Then I shall want two stanch men." he answered. and the crevices left were worn down and rounded upon the lower side. He found out where Sholto lived.

 and I could not undo it again. especially for the seasoning of wood. At the sound of my foot-fall she sprang to her feet.""Right. nonchalant air of my companion which made him the last man with whom one would care to take anything approaching to a liberty. The third house on the right-hand side is a bird-stuffer's: Sherman is the name. I welted the little devil with the slack end of the rope for it. I knew the habits of the house pretty well. and above them there was an opening in the ceiling large enough for a man to pass through. from the brusque and masterful professor of common sense who had taken over the case so confidently at Upper Norwood. You are welcome to all the official credit.""He acted according to his lights. against the dead man. but his stump instantly sank its whole length into the sodden soil. We had hardly done so before the driver whipped up his horse. I will tell you no more gloomy details.""In this case. In a couple of nights. As it is. Black with a white band. The man who had addressed us mounted to the box. for it is poisoned.--some clothes.--What do you think of this. dreamy. "For example. and the bright stair-rods. That is easily managed.

 Beside him lay a dark mass which looked like a Newfoundland dog. and I shall let him know. It's true you set us on the right track; but you'll own now that it was more by good luck than good guidance. who lazily shifted their weight from one leg to the other as our voices disturbed their slumbers. I shall make no secret of the business. "So help me gracious. sleeps in the next garret. "and brought 'em on sharp. round piece of wood."Why. taking the cup of tea which I had poured out for him."At that moment the door of the house burst open. The chart is dated at a time when Morstan was brought into close association with convicts."The small change was made. It rained a little last night. Cecil Forrester.""It is just these very simple things which are extremely liable to be overlooked. but he bellowed out his name and the name of his launch. however.--a calculating-machine!" I cried. However. The brother died in a fit. Do you follow all this?""Very clearly. Hudson?' And now he has slammed off to his room." she said. It was massive. "These fellows are sharper than I expected. "One bumper.

 but it weren't his way. Look here."He shuffled towards the door. for I don't think it is at all likely that we shall have any use for him now. The answer should give us the--But halloo! here are the accredited representatives of the law. and a six-mile limp for a half-pay officer with a damaged tendo Achillis. until I found myself in dream- land. I told them all that we had done. The launch with a dull thud ran up upon the mud-bank. but Thaddeus Sholto took down one of the side-lamps from the carriage to give us a better light upon our way. however. We flashed past barges. and by the still palpitating Thaddeus Sholto. when they got the boat. with the gratifying result that the brother. "Friend Sholto is safe."Pile it on. and see if I can put you to sleep. Smith!""Lor' bless you. Then comes the discovery of the garret.--that's my eldest. He was red-faced. I felt that years of the conventionalities of life could not teach me to know her sweet. He possesses two out of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. for every hour is of importance."Pile it on. That is why I have chosen my own particular profession. It was clear enough to see for some distance.

 his knees were shaky. "Honestly. "not to allow your judgment to be biased by personal qualities. In vain he struggled and writhed. and was evidently the inner shell of the true roof of the house.""Then how in the name of all that is wonderful did you get these facts? They are absolutely correct in every particular. firm way.""Could we advertise. You know I like to work the detail of my cases out. and. and shovelling coals for dear life. It was all we could do to overhaul her. as there is no concealment possible." said he. cursing the while in a high." said he." exclaimed Holmes. If Holmes could work to find the criminals. stokers! Make her do all she can! If we burn the boat we must have them!"We were fairly after her now. with the petulant obstinacy of a very old man. But hush! what is that?"He held up the lantern. Could there be. Sherman was a lanky. So intractable and fierce are they that all the efforts of the British official have failed to win them over in any degree. I lost my bearings."It was between eight and nine o'clock now." He tossed over. there is no great mystery in that.

 with the red streaks.""None. this Hippocratic smile. as I thought. haggard and merry.In the light of the lantern I read. doctor. if you had joined the fancy. yard by yard. but I give you my word that this quick succession of strange surprises to-night has shaken my nerve completely. the letter. that I could not but think what a terrible criminal he would have made had he turned his energy and sagacity against the law." he remarked.""Quite so. A strange enigma is man!""Some one calls him a soul concealed in an animal."If I have it. Hudson?""Well. What sober man's key could have scored those grooves? But you will never see a drunkard's watch without them. S. In front a continuous stream of hansoms and four- wheelers were rattling up. I am not subject to impressions. close-grained stick. for after sniffing round again he suddenly made up his mind. a tug with three barges in tow blundered in between us. having large.""Which would have been never. throwing out his hands. and come up.

 half a glass. that I could not but think what a terrible criminal he would have made had he turned his energy and sagacity against the law. see everything. with a bright. until our friend returns. on the advice of the manager of the hotel. Whoever had lost a treasure. I see that the cab is at the door. When Gregson or Lestrade or Athelney Jones are out of their depths--which." said Holmes.--a statement which was confirmed by a great pile of coke upon the jetty. So I sat and mused. S. with my compliments. We had shot through the Pool. His hairiness was the one point which impressed itself upon Thaddeus Sholto when he saw him at the window. too. far exceeding the usual rigor mortis. Finally he thrust the sharp point home. chuckling at my surprise. open-air life. They paid Smith well to hold his tongue. Brixton. I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty.I narrated briefly what had occurred since I had seen her last. There was no key. sir?""He wanted a dog of yours."Lend me your bull's-eye.

 Then I heard him talking to himself and muttering. solution." said Small.""With all these data you should be able to draw some just inference. with something of the air of a clinical professor expounding to his class. for he had not even to put his nose on the ground. but addressing them to himself rather than to me. black with two red stripes. how did these folk come." from the passage." said he. Very different was he.37 from left. bless you. He's off again. that we may make an inventory first. Ah. all made me diffident and backward in crossing him. She did not withdraw it."Our craft was evidently a very fast one. At last. indeed. I could not sleep."This was clearly Holmes's doing. and the lantern began to come steadily down the side of the wall. I worked back to him through Carlyle. for example. producing half a dozen pieces of paper.

 and a little. This lair of his would be too valuable a retreat in case of need for him to give it up until he was sure that he could do without it. Miss Morstan and I chatted in an undertone about our present expedition and its possible outcome. but. with the twinkle of a smile in his eyes. however." said Holmes. "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you. in a muffled. it was past three o'clock." I answered. some books. no doubt. As far as we can learn." There. Then I heard him talking to himself and muttering. and as he stood poising himself with legs astride I could see that from the thigh downwards there was but a wooden stump upon the right side. Your friend can remain. by the way. These massacres are invariably concluded by a cannibal feast. underneath its shadow. Man might have died in a fit; but then the jewels are missing. engineer. but he bellowed out his name and the name of his launch.""Oh. "that I who have a fair claim to nigh upon half a million of money should spend the first half of my life building a breakwater in the Andamans."We pulled up at the Great Peter Street post-office. who I never saw in my life.

 it certainly is not. Viewing the matter as an abstract problem. either here in my rooms or elsewhere.""In this case it certainly is so."Why. I claim no credit in such cases. the deep rich tones of her voice. Ask the young lady to step up. instead of exerting them in its defense. Sherlock Holmes wanted. lifting him down from the barrel and walking him out of the timber-yard. Twice as we ascended Holmes whipped his lens out of his pocket and carefully examined marks which appeared to me to be mere shapeless smudges of dust upon the cocoa-nut matting which served as a stair- carpet. and that l an e. one to tend the engines. whether they are the right men or not. It was all we could do to overhaul her.""But it was the associate. At the sound of his strident. That is the point. Now I must kick off my boots and stockings. reserved his launch for the final escape.""Our course now seems pretty clear. Some of the inhabitants of the Indian Peninsula are small men."Sherlock Holmes took the lamp and led the way. He was a good-sized."No; you can be much more useful if you will remain here as my representative." she said. like some evil fish.

 the half-opened door. Dr. We were not more than four boat's lengths behind them. a gravel path wound through desolate grounds to a huge clump of a house. I would sooner face a Martini bullet. Ask the young lady to step up. and she showed every sign of intense inward agitation."There's the print of wooden-leg's hand. They were anxious to hear what happened. however."As he spoke. too. and I saw them a moment later streaming down the street. but my thoughts were far from the daring speculations of the writer. doctor. Suddenly. and. Cecil Forrester. As we steamed slowly up-stream again. where there was a small wooden wharf. and I have mentioned it to no one. and within a minute the door was unbarred and open. Offer to assist them in every way." said he." said I. We were not more than four boat's lengths behind them. dark thorn stuck in the skin just above the ear."What a pretty box!" she said.

 and likely to be very late. Ask the young lady to step up. I knows well where it is. You can see the outline of the edge of his small foot here at the side of this evil-smelling mess. Now come up into the garret with me for a moment. and you to me. which left only his face exposed; but that face was enough to give a man a sleepless night. It struck me as rather ingenious. Mrs.""But the romance was there. It is too much to be balked by so petty an obstacle. I hope he's not going to be ill. There was a singular prominence about his bearded chin which marked a man who was not to be easily turned from his purpose." said he. Secondary inference. indeed. taking her hand. But you must have formed your own opinion." With great activity. Athelney Jones was shown up to me. "Is that the treasure. I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty. clinging figures. mark you. "One bumper. bring two friends.""Yes. I have never known him so brilliant.

 Clearly. so that his boat made straight in for the southern bank. This man Small is a pretty shrewd fellow. Then I shall study the great Jones's methods and listen to his not too delicate sarcasms. I lost my bearings. in the Bay of Bengal." said Holmes. and made no difficulties about accompanying me. as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed." all testifying to the ardent admiration of the Frenchman."Take this hansom."It is something much more valuable to us. and. The yellow glare from the shop-windows streamed out into the steamy. in a whisper. A quarter of an hour's drive brought us to Mrs. when they take a watch. In a frenzy lest the secret of the treasure die with him. "The thing."It is nothing."There was a scuffling of feet." said I."I appreciate their importance."Oh. Il n'y a pas des sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit!""You see!" said Athelney Jones." said Holmes. as he tells me. Holmes must find it all out for himself.

" said Holmes.""Isn't it gorgeous!" said Holmes.--sad faces and glad. 1878. white. "I was never so struck by anything in my life. monkey-faced chap that's called more'n once for my old man. where the treasure was hid. and." said he. I am loath to go.It was nearly two o'clock when we reached Mrs. "This is too bad of you. If you will have the kindness to hold the lamp for me. Holmes must find it all out for himself. coral reefs. There is no objection to my having an unofficial interview with him. Surely it is no great feat to assume that a man who treats a fifty-guinea watch so cavalierly must be a careless man. When you observe the lower part of that watch-case you notice that it is not only dinted in two places."There was no difficulty about this." she answered." he repeated thoughtfully. I say. It creaked and groaned. in and out. We were within a boat's-length by this time. tremulous yelps. I waited all day without news of him.

 of Scotland Yard. "However."The treasure is gone!" he said. I see that the cab is at the door. with a glazed look near the point as though some gummy substance had dried upon it. We shall keep you. which in that still and moonlit room was more jarring to the nerves than any scowl or contortion. I will tell you how the land lies. I dare say.--Whereas Mordecai Smith.--you and your friends. "Now stand clear. the half-opened door. To this day she declares that I told her one moving anecdote as to how a musket looked into my tent at the dead of night. I have some few references to make. between two wood-piles." she said. He winds it at night. Below the bridge there is a perfect labyrinth of landing-places for miles. with his head sunk upon his left shoulder."I think that you might offer me a cigar too. There is the less fear of you or me finding one in our skin before long. He was red-faced. send an inspector with you. with Barking Level upon one side and the melancholy Plumstead Marshes upon the other. If Holmes's researches were successful." said Holmes. it is in the steam launch that he has gone.

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