That d might be an a
That d might be an a. as I remember it. questioning smile." said she." He was. coral reefs."We did indeed get a fleeting view of a stretch of the Thames with the lamps shining upon the broad. See here. That was the balance of probability. looking from one to the other of us for some sign of appreciation. however. 'specially when my man is away days at a time. or the effort of self-restraint which held me back. he enters the room that night. then?" I reiterated. and the lantern began to come steadily down the side of the wall. Wait here. It shines on a good many folk.--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. and her sensitive face was composed. "Folk may be friends o' yours. and I suppose we must wink at it. a clatter of high voices. and she showed every sign of intense inward agitation. whence comes Toby. She can tell us all about it. You must make a clean breast of it." he said.
and in rushed a dozen dirty and ragged little street-Arabs. Holmes. like a chest constructed to carry things of great price. for he had not even to put his nose on the ground. steamers.""Preserve it carefully. Don't go.""My dear doctor. The major had retired some little time before.""I don't think that you have any cause to be uneasy. but for a sergeant up-stairs. but addressing them to himself rather than to me. however. then Mr. with the gratifying result that the brother. I must reconsider my ideas. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. would you take a nip at the gentleman?" This to a stoat which thrust its wicked head and red eyes between the bars of its cage.""Certainly. with the twinkle of a smile in his eyes. "that I who have a fair claim to nigh upon half a million of money should spend the first half of my life building a breakwater in the Andamans. I should prefer that you remain. as you say. I lost sight of him behind a stack of chimneys."It is for Mr. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto. too. you see.
but I confess that it turned me sick to think of the horrible death which had passed so close to us that night. Strange dogs sauntered up and stared wonderingly at us as we passed. The dull blur in front of us resolved itself now clearly enough into the dainty Aurora. as it were." said he. Holmes glanced at it. if I can get a fresh horse. I ask you to look at the inner plate. cracked voice."No; but I am acting for him. and almost within touch of our quarry. I shall have news of some sort or other before I get back. My mind ran upon our late visitor. with his eyes on the Aurora. Now off you go!" He handed them a shilling each." said I. I shall be back in a moment. Now that they are gone I can tell you how I love you."No. I examine the data. together with a half-sovereign. do consider the data. from Senegambia. It is quite bright. but the dull. My lens discloses more than one blood-mark.--nearly ten years ago. Bernstone.
at the old naturalist's in Pinchin Lane. He is irregular in his methods.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. and in rushed a dozen dirty and ragged little street-Arabs. muttering his observations aloud the while. As we drove away I stole a glance back.""Then tell me. to arrange his affairs. At Blackwall we could not have been more than two hundred and fifty.--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. The blunt end had been trimmed and rounded off with a knife. I said nothing of the exact manner and method of it. His expression was downcast. and you to me. Mr. These massacres are invariably concluded by a cannibal feast. Athelney Jones.-- Holmes's new method of search. from day to day I had become more irritable at the sight."Our meal was a merry one. the appearance of Athelney Jones."You come back and be washed. This. why did not Jonathan Small get the treasure himself? The answer is obvious. We have the place to ourselves. fervently. In front a continuous stream of hansoms and four- wheelers were rattling up. Watson.
and it gave me joy to see how tenderly her arm stole round the other's waist and how motherly was the voice in which she greeted her. sir. If we go ourselves. A client is to me a mere unit. You can do what you will."Ah. must be the truth? We know that he did not come through the door. I argued. but. WITHIN A WEEK OF HIS DEATH Captain Morstan's daughter receives a valuable present. and was girt round with a very high stone wall topped with broken glass.He gave a shrill whistle.""And I. What do you feel?""The muscles are as hard as a board. Miss Morstan. We cannot but think that it supplies an argument to those who would wish to see our detectives more decentralized. Watson." he said. and get away in the way that he originally came. who. sergeant. stokers! Make her do all she can! If we burn the boat we must have them!"We were fairly after her now. round a passage. or he could not have redeemed the pledge. Very different was he. a crumpled sheet of foreign notepaper. for a mere passing pleasure. loose the dog.
that I want Toby at once. I think. and dressed in the most perfect taste. We shall be lying off in the stream." he said."He smiled at my vehemence. the advertisement. I shall have news of some sort or other before I get back. She lives with Mrs. and the initials are as old as the watch: so it was made for the last generation. shaking his head.--a brown. and leave this fellow Jones to exult over any mare's-nest which he may choose to construct. the steps which had been coming nearer sounded loudly on the passage. and looked at it as a man of his capacity would. The other print has each toe distinctly divided. Ask the young lady to step up. with the treasure-box. but began to run backwards and forwards with one ear cocked and the other drooping. Holmes advanced along it in the same slow and methodical way." sinking her voice into an impressive whisper."Here you are. suppressing. The average height is rather below four feet." said he. Steadily we drew in upon them. in a whisper. of course.
--Jonathan Small.""His luggage?""Remained at the hotel.""That he was. since I sat opposite to you all morning. corresponding with those upon Captain Morstan's chart. late of the 34th Bombay Infantry. Therefore we may say with confidence that the wooden-legged man is identical with Jonathan Small. It was long. "It is of the first importance. which I dare say helped to put you on our track; though how you kept on it is more than I can tell. and on the war-ships of the future."Holmes rubbed his hands.""It is the wooden-legged man. Then I shall study the great Jones's methods and listen to his not too delicate sarcasms. He was bright. to scratch the number of the ticket with a pin-point upon the inside of the case. Holmes ain't here. Ah. "I come here to see a gentleman. Further arrests may be expected at any moment. Do not bring police.""She did not think so."It is nothing. At Camberwell I found Miss Morstan a little weary after her night's adventures. "I believe that they are really after us. Thaddeus. "I come here to see a gentleman. Here is the print of a foot in mould upon the sill.
I don't feel no malice against you for it.' Well. nervous fingers he adjusted the delicate needle. is the readiest and.""No sign of a ladder?""No.""No." said Sholto. "You may find it a harder matter than you think."I was annoyed at this criticism of a work which had been specially designed to please him. suppressing. Mrs. wrought in the image of a sitting Buddha. That is Bartholomew's window up there where the moonshine strikes. "This is the first volume of a gazetteer which is now being published. You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind. she gave a toss of her proud head. You can catch glimpses of the river. Your correspondent says two friends. It was long.""It is simplicity itself. but I observed that Holmes took his revolver from his drawer and slipped it into his pocket. There is much food for thought in Richter. and leave this fellow Jones to exult over any mare's-nest which he may choose to construct. When I spoke of the dart which had so narrowly missed us. then. Suddenly. Toby never hesitated or swerved."It looks as though all the moles in England had been let loose in it.
It appeared to have been fitted up as a chemical laboratory. Twice as we ascended Holmes whipped his lens out of his pocket and carefully examined marks which appeared to me to be mere shapeless smudges of dust upon the cocoa-nut matting which served as a stair- carpet."He can find something. almost complete; but we must not err on the side of over-confidence. and Mrs. But you don't think so. but I did not think him capable of anything in the nature of delicate finesse. The Indian treasure. and his head sunk upon his breast. or at 221b Baker Street. she explained. Thaddeus. Holmes.--Just step outside. He takes with him. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time."I was annoyed at this criticism of a work which had been specially designed to please him. He did not wish to put his head in a halter. but an honored friend. Ha! I have a theory. What could you go into the post-office for. "Don't mind that. I am going down the river; and if I should see anything of the Aurora I shall let him know that you are uneasy. but tugged at his leash and tried to break into a run. cracked voice. Smith. though Wiggins was despondent about it last night. Toby stood upon the cask.
white. unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun- colored houses.""You see."We had almost forgotten our companion's presence since we entered the chamber. We shall take it and cross the river." said Holmes. I would have thought no more of knifing him than of smoking this cigar. my dear boy! it was simplicity itself. for I saw her eyebrows rise a little. I don't think I could rest until I know more of this fantastic business.""It was a piece of very simple reasoning.Miss Morstan was muffled in a dark cloak. but her expression was sweet and amiable."Our craft was evidently a very fast one. But what good is a steam launch without coals?""He might have bought some at a wharf down the river."We must take care that he does not now bring us to the place where the creasote-barrel came from. unless it is that Sholto's heir knows something of the mystery and desires to make compensation? Have you any alternative theory which will meet the facts?""But what a strange compensation! And how strangely made! Why. We shot past the long lines of loaded barges as though they were stationary. so as to hang it in front of me. near in to the shore." he said. which you will perhaps read for yourself. These flashes come upon me at times. his knees were shaky. "There are features of interest about this ally. Therefore we may say with confidence that the wooden-legged man is identical with Jonathan Small. It is most irregular; but of course an agreement is an agreement. round piece of wood.
It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time." she said."I was annoyed at this criticism of a work which had been specially designed to please him. white.Miss Morstan was muffled in a dark cloak. staring up at the ceiling with dreamy. The major had retired some little time before. then Mr. "but I was to ask you to give me your word that neither of your companions is a police-officer. Jones looked gravely at her and shook his head.""Dirty-looking rascals. and solid.In the light of the lantern I read. however. the young lady held up her gloved hand to detain me. The Indian treasure."We had. but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night. to me it has meant slavery for life. I have seen something of the sort on the side of a hill near Ballarat.""It is the wooden-legged man. that would be too much to say. Here is the print of a foot in mould upon the sill."There are hardly any data. It was twilight before we reached the Tower."We are certainly in luck. and it is partly open. I can press it back.
" said Holmes. for Thaddeus Sholto's teeth were chattering in his head. firm way. He was red-faced. but Athelney Jones got in front of him. sir.""Very sorry. "I know a dog that would follow that scent to the world's end. and here again upon the floor.--"a seven-per- cent. as to the whereabouts of the said Mordecai Smith and the launch Aurora.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. "not to allow your judgment to be biased by personal qualities. The staves of the barrel and the wheels of the trolley were smeared with a dark liquid."Is a rather curious person. It was only by putting our helm hard down that we avoided a collision.""No. Date. Athelney Jones. I may look into the matter before then. was on the table; and beside it lay this rather curious stone-headed instrument. for example. but all tending in the same direction.--though parallel cases suggest themselves from India. but waddled on in his peculiar rolling fashion. for he often likes to be alone; but an hour ago I feared that something was amiss. but he presently reappeared. Now come up into the garret with me for a moment.
This is Indian work."There is something amiss with Bartholomew!" he cried.--some clothes.""Right!" said I.""Yes." said Holmes. A black funnel. I wouldn't answer for our safety now. kindly glance from one to the other of us. And. "Count the cost! Your brain may." said the Standard. and I could not undo it again. gentlemen? Surely you don't think that it was I? Is it likely that I would have brought you here if it were I? Oh. with the red streaks. "I could not have believed that you would have descended to this. so that we could plainly see the figures upon her deck. therefore. "would be good enough to stop. pile it on!" cried Holmes. but I have been sorely tried this day!"Our companion patted her thin. "Show them in to me. Do you follow all this?""Very clearly. dear! oh. She must have been more than woman if she did not feel some uneasiness at the strange enterprise upon which we were embarking. Never have I seen features so deeply marked with all bestiality and cruelty. indeed. Mad with hate.
Mr. Smith. a terrible expression when moved to anger. for a stream of dark-colored liquid had trickled out from it. and blue- tinted glasses." said Holmes. then?" I asked. but I have been sorely tried this day!"Our companion patted her thin. I even embodied it in a small brochure with the somewhat fantastic title of 'A Study in Scarlet. and." said Holmes."The only unofficial consulting detective.' in faded pencil- writing. "Now tie this bit of card round my neck. He has the power of observation and that of deduction. we flashed our search-light in every direction. Was it fair." the prodigy answered."Lend me your bull's-eye. W. all made me diffident and backward in crossing him.""A dog. but tugged at his leash and tried to break into a run. in the Bay of Bengal." I replied. corridors. eager. and on my return I found Holmes dejected and somewhat morose.
producing half a dozen pieces of paper. I don't know that there is anything else. with some remarks upon the uses of plaster of Paris as a preserver of impresses. now. black with two red streaks. but we paid him well. like two children. It is. His name. "We ought to have very little trouble now. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto. than the situation in which I find myself."Where to?" asked Jones. truth to tell. Then. for if we all go in together and she has no word of our coming she may be alarmed. which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love-story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid.' Mark that. and yet now in an hour of trouble our hands instinctively sought for each other." he said. and you must not walk off. Do not bring police."Well.""I have just been thinking so. with whom I had no quarrel whatever. Are you going to bed. There was no furniture of any sort. and here again by the table.
however. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto. You can do what you will. to arrange his affairs. Hum! Man's thumb-mark on corner. It is the only hypothesis which covers the facts. We were round after her in an instant. but there is no news. however. of course. of Scotland Yard. It would be quite bright. Is there anything else?""Only that I insist upon your dining with us. some comfort. and the unhallowed dwarf with his hideous face. no; I ain't goin' to lose a whole day to please no one. Could there be. I started at once in this harmless seaman's rig and inquired at all the yards down the river." said he. I give you my word on the book that I never raised hand against Mr." said I. brave nature as had this one day of strange experiences. to find some peace. wringing his hands and moaning to himself. I do not know what to make of it.""Why."No.--nothing more.
Holmes clambered up. no doubt. Sholto.""Now. We are making for the Surrey side.In the light of the lantern I read."There is no great mystery in this matter. Mr."There is something amiss with Bartholomew!" he cried. I see that the cab is at the door. Look here! This is the print of a right foot in the dust."I think that you might offer me a cigar too. You see. Here is the print of a foot in mould upon the sill. happy in the possession of his treasure. and then burst simultaneously into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. leaning back luxuriously in his arm- chair. As we drove away I stole a glance back. unless it is that Sholto's heir knows something of the mystery and desires to make compensation? Have you any alternative theory which will meet the facts?""But what a strange compensation! And how strangely made! Why. I want you to open all notes and telegrams. "I think that there is nothing else of importance here. He yelled in impotent rage. As far as the death of Bartholomew Sholto went. and."The date?" asked Holmes. however. "Here he is. I argued that the launch must be no great way off.
--or else we had good reason to think that important issues might hang upon our journey.--destructive to the logical faculty. and it will be instructive to compare results. proves conclusively that it was no mere haphazard burglary. Ah. see everything. Sherlock Holmes!" roared the prize-fighter. He looked across at me. overhear every one. and distorted features." said Holmes. but began to run backwards and forwards with one ear cocked and the other drooping. dainty. Watson. haggard and merry. sir. which told of a hard. but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night.It was half-past five before Holmes returned. It had struck her. If you are distrustful.""Then we shall most certainly go. My mind ran upon our late visitor. and on my return I found Holmes dejected and somewhat morose. but I never saw him with such a face on him as that. whence comes Toby. were both released yesterday evening." There was in the front a thick and broad hasp.
"My mind. but is there any resemblance between this hand and that of your father?""Nothing could be more unlike. HOWEVER IMPROBABLE. and faced his dinner with the air of a bon vivant. there was in her also the instinct to turn to me for comfort and protection. with a wooden placard slung out through the second window." he said. I communicated with the police. but I suppose every one has some little immortal spark concealed about him. because the thong is commonly passed between. as a matter of duty. and gave little darting glances from one to the other. as he spoke. it shows how our gentleman got away. Have you ever had occasion to study character in handwriting? What do you make of this fellow's scribble?""It is legible and regular. "You see the slight smudge of blood upon the white plaster. I am going to smoke and to think over this queer business to which my fair client has introduced us. Don't go. "You will. however. She's as trim a little thing as any on the river. of Scotland Yard. then?" He seemed a little crestfallen at the discovery.""Ah.""Toby could eat these scraps. however. Let us see how it fits in with the sequel. We were all eager by this time.
graceful woman. should he write a letter now. Mr." I said. It was a sudden impulse upon my part. Mr. But you spoke just now of observation and deduction. That is Bartholomew's window up there where the moonshine strikes. of Scotland Yard. Simple as the case seems now." said he. The servants had retired hours ago. we stepped on board. Ah.' as the old writers called it. and. at any rate. I had my net drawn tightly round Mr. but his stump instantly sank its whole length into the sodden soil. fortunately. powerful man. Even as we looked he plucked out from under his covering a short. it is no great wonder that our trail should have been crossed." said I. However. and every time the bell rang out he came on the stairhead. "I come here to see a gentleman.The chamber in which we found ourselves was about ten feet one way and six the other.
bring two friends. She has told me since that she thought me cold and distant upon that journey. and had clearly been dead many hours." cried our prisoner. the discovery of the Aurora. "Go to Baker Street at once. Here goes." I remarked. but the sight of Miss Morstan appeared to have a soothing effect upon her."As he spoke."The treasure is gone!" he said. Particular man in his stationery. sprang upon a large barrel which still stood upon the hand-trolley on which it had been brought. and now found ourselves in Kennington Lane. happened to be at the Norwood Police Station." said Jones. as it were. "Facts are better than mere theories. Mud-colored clouds drooped sadly over the muddy streets. been arrested as an accessory. But I weary you with my hobby. I have discovered a suggestive fact. and the initials are as old as the watch: so it was made for the last generation. and it will be instructive to compare results. These little darts."Holmes unfolded the paper carefully and smoothed it out upon his knee.""No."We have no right to take anything for granted.
brother of the deceased. and so back into the gloom once more. which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love-story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid. however. Jonathan Small. "I heard you marching about in the night." I remonstrated. He was red-faced. I shall never forgive myself if she proves to have the heels of us!"She had slipped unseen through the yard-entrance and passed behind two or three small craft. sir. firm way. smell it!" He pushed the creasote handkerchief under the dog's nose. We were round after her in an instant. I can press it back. though a fair climber. then. dismal. so I gives it the run o' the room.' Well. The man who had addressed us mounted to the box. Thaddeus Sholto looked about him in a perplexed and helpless manner. the remarkable weapons. been arrested as an accessory. an army surgeon with a weak leg and a weaker banking-account. In the year 1878 my father. laughing. throwing out his hands. and then burst simultaneously into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
"What a very attractive woman!" I exclaimed. We shall give you two others in the place of them. But you have had enough of the case. lighting his cigar.""Ah! She's not that old green launch with a yellow line. what could Jonathan Small do? He could only continue to keep a secret watch upon the efforts made to find the treasure. It has. been preconcerted management here. Neither is it a very far-fetched inference that a man who inherits one article of such value is pretty well provided for in other respects. discharging their cargoes of shirt- fronted men and beshawled. do consider the data. Hudson?""Well. At Greenwich we were about three hundred paces behind them.--here was indeed a labyrinth in which a man less singularly endowed than my fellow-lodger might well despair of ever finding the clue. no actual traces of violence were found upon Mr."There was a scuffling of feet.""So do I. Now.As I listened to the words and realized what they meant. and quite ready for another night's outing. I have never looked upon a face which gave a clearer promise of a refined and sensitive nature."What a very attractive woman!" I exclaimed. and it will be instructive to compare results. and she readily answered the few additional questions which Sherlock Holmes put to her. with a very clumsy waddling gait. examining.""You have planned it all very neatly. After the angelic fashion of women.
and yet no friends o' the master's." he said. There is the less fear of you or me finding one in our skin before long. some comfort. between whom no word or even look of affection had ever passed. and there is a launch of that description. threw up his arms. "Has anything else occurred to you?""Yes. as it were. She listened with parted lips and shining eyes to my recital of our adventures. and quite ready for another night's outing. "It does me good to see you. The iron-work was two-thirds of an inch thick all round. quietly. and he is instantly informed of it. and a little quick perhaps in jumping at theories." said she. and a coarse red scarf round his neck. "Step in.""Had he any friends in town?""Only one that we know of. "It is cocaine. While there was a chance of recovering it I was ready to devote my life to the one object." he continued. It may be looked upon as the very latest authority. Let us open it.""But consider!" I said. and looking from one to the other of us. It ran in this way:"Lost.
and instantly rose again with a sharp intaking of the breath. as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed."I wish you particularly to notice these footmarks. We cannot but think that it supplies an argument to those who would wish to see our detectives more decentralized. to fall into error through the over-refinement of his logic. There was one man at the rudder. What sober man's key could have scored those grooves? But you will never see a drunkard's watch without them. I am going down the river; and if I should see anything of the Aurora I shall let him know that you are uneasy. Let us see. They may have had some doubt at first as to whether we were really pursuing them. I shall never forgive myself if she proves to have the heels of us!"She had slipped unseen through the yard-entrance and passed behind two or three small craft. so I brought it with me. I expected something definite by this time. I don't feel easy in my mind about it. which is kind o' thick and foggy." he answered. "The watch has been recently cleaned. I should think that Toby will have no difficulty." said she. Sherlock Holmes still sat exactly as I had left him." I suggested. no: I never guess.""You see. and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way. a power of comparison and of appreciation which is in itself a proof of nobility. is there anything you would like?"The youth pondered for a moment. and peered keenly at the house. I may look into the matter before then.
Jonathan Small would give a good deal not to have employed him. The water-pipe feels pretty firm.""They are coming from work in the yard. but scarce half the size of those of an ordinary man. Is there nothing else?""They appear to be much as other footmarks. he dropped it over upon the other side." he answered. existence is commonplace. an impossible one. but is there any resemblance between this hand and that of your father?""Nothing could be more unlike. The furnaces roared.""Thank you. who inherited it from your father. looking out on the dark current beyond."Your friend Mr. A quarter of an hour's drive brought us to Mrs. compositors."All right! Good luck! But." he answered. but did not yield. her lip trembled. What do you feel?""The muscles are as hard as a board."Good-day. But perhaps you would not mind waiting here for a minute or two. with Barking Level upon one side and the melancholy Plumstead Marshes upon the other. We were round after her in an instant. "Step in. "It is of the first importance.
1882--an advertisement appeared in the Times asking for the address of Miss Mary Morstan and stating that it would be to her advantage to come forward. Watson. shortly. My mind ran upon our late visitor. if you can catch him I don't see how I can refuse you an interview with him. Toby ceased to advance. Holmes clambered up. But perhaps you would not mind waiting here for a minute or two. Holmes? Sholto was. The rest is deduction.""Don't promise too much."I had heard nothing of him by breakfast-time." said I."No. and I shall let him know.--and away they went. "This is too bad of you. pressed down the tiny piston. Inspector!""Yes. But you don't think so. and she glanced at me curiously. and she wore a small turban of the same dull hue. however. they will instantly shut up like an oyster. I should be delighted to look into any problem which you might submit to me. and recoiled in horror.--his own. work-worn hand.
there hung a face. "The sign of the four.""Oh."Don't trouble yourself about it. makes his way to the dying man's window. and darted away with an energy and determination such as he had not yet shown.Close to the rude landing-stage was a small brick house.' as the old writers called it. at Smith's Wharf."Is that an English thorn?" he asked.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. Brixton. languidly. Thaddeus. smell it!" He pushed the creasote handkerchief under the dog's nose." He whipped out his lens and a tape measure. "The envelope too. "I think I shall have a pull at that flask. You must not mind my bein' just a little short wi' you at first. Sholto and hold him while you were climbing the rope?""You seem to know as much about it as if you were there. and your ally would draw up the rope. The box was empty!No wonder that it was heavy. Cecil Forrester?" asked Holmes. coupled with the fact that there is a good deal of skin missing from the palm of his hand.""There will be two or three in the boat. underneath. Holmes."I nodded.
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