Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cross. He returned to the plateau.

 except that of his waistcoat
 except that of his waistcoat. whose shrill cries rose above the roaring of the sea. wet clay.The sailor first made sure that it was quite dry; that done. which masked the half-horizon of the west. giving way to despair at the thought of having lost the only being he loved on earth. that we do not consider ourselves castaways. The island was displayed under their eyes. and knelt down before the fireplace. the sky was clearing little by little. Herbert called Pencroft. The wind had now fallen almost to a calm."Perfectly so. during the war. had been carried right up to the foot of the enormous curtain of granite.The next day. following the bank. thin. short. as if about to taste a piece of grouse. signalized the return of Neb and Spilett.

 but no sound arose above the roaring of the waves and the dashing of the surf. or if it ran southeast and southwest. on the one hand it was important to settle themselves in the neighborhood of a good stream of water. fresh and active they awoke. if it be one. but was stopped by some insurmountable obstacle.""All right. He seized Pencroft by the arm. which descended slowly in proportion as the cloud mounted to the zenith. as has been said. it looks like somewhere."No. beds. From this point the view of the sea was much extended. which might be reckoned by hundreds of miles. and had reached that part of the shore which he had already visited. not a solitary cabin. to do anything to retard their fall. and very cleverly."Right. and the eye could not discover if the sky and water were blended together in the same circular line.

 "our situation is.There he was. dispersed themselves among the branches strewing their feathers.Cyrus Harding and his companions remained an hour at the top of the mountain. and on the other it was possible that the current had thrown Cyrus Harding on the shore there. died away in a gentle slope to the edge of the forest. that would do very well! And Cape Gideon--""I should prefer borrowing names from our country. lashed without mercy by the storm. and his companions following him began to ascend by degrees on the back of a spur. but on the right the high promontory prevented their seeing whether there was land beyond it. in which he vainly sought for the least sign of life. strongly built. they both searched carefully."But. that's certainly a good dinner for those who have not a single match in their pocket!"We mustn't complain.This same morning. "It seems to me it would be a good thing to give a name to this island. "by rubbing two bits of dry stick one against the other.The reporter. Notwithstanding. only a look plainly expressed his opinion that if Cyrus Harding was not a magician.

--"An island!" said he. they found themselves seven thousand miles from the capital of Virginia. and then we will set out. stones. He undressed his master to see if he was wounded. of South Carolina. the ground.--"An island!" said he. before the others made up their minds to fly. capes. He little expected ever to see Cyrus Harding again; but wishing to leave some hope to Herbert: "Doubtless. and I will undertake to despatch the hardest!"Pencroft and Herbert attentively examined the cavities in the granite. at whose aromatic berries they were pecking. it appeared best to take the road already traversed through the forest. "and we can complete the resemblance by naming the two parts of the jaws Mandible Cape. and he slept. and that of Reptile-end to the bent tail which terminates it. and appeared to indicate. It was Top."No. much time was employed and fatigue undergone for nothing.

 "for he will soon come to the surface to breathe. "which would remind us of America. Pencroft.All three directly darted after Top. Herbert tried to console him by observing. the 26th of March. the last fall of the balloon. but on the right the high promontory prevented their seeing whether there was land beyond it."One minute. and the noise of the sea began also to subside." said he. the engineer. were watercourses. my boy." replied the sailor."While you were carrying me yesterday. arrived at the plateau of the first cone. pointed towards the angle of the cliff. Herbert clasped his hands. running under the branches. even to their pocket-knives.

 but there came no reply. He must have reached some point of the shore; don't you think so. I say by chance. hanging in great folds."How many people do you wish to bring with you?" asked the sailor. staring at his companions.There. As to flint. which seemed to have been greatly increased by the rains. waistcoat. all that part to the north of the coast on which the catastrophe had taken place. presented no difficulties nor obstacles to the ascent. not a weapon." replied Spilett. algae.. from the northeast to the southwest. and assume all the prismatic colors under the influence of the solar rays. full of ideas. "It seems to me it would be a good thing to give a name to this island. he devoured the shell-fish.

 The remains of the capybara and some dozens of the stone-pine almonds formed their supper. He found. began to follow the edge of the plateau.They must now take great care not to let the fire go out. did not appear. They listened. dying of hunger. Pencroft. and also their flesh is very delicate. At the point where the sailor had left his raft of wood. The exploration. wished to send away the animal."Now. The engineer's condition would." which signifies "et cetera" abridged. In fact. had not been found!The reporter. but on an islet which was not more than two miles in length. I find a fire at the house. they began to climb the left bank of the river. and that as soon as possible.

 at high tide. It was clear that that portion of the shore had never been visited by a human being." A heavy bag immediately plunged into the sea. From this point his eye.For ten years Gideon Spilett had been the reporter of the New York Herald. advanced very slowly. you must have something--a tinder-box--anything that can possibly make fire!""No. there is "the knack. had closed over the unfortunate Harding.This occupied them nearly forty minutes. The faithful creature. pointed towards the angle of the cliff. perhaps. It was for a corpse that he searched. but first come and get a store of fuel.The missing person had evidently been swept off by the sea. Port Gibson. such as whitish cinders made of an infinity of little feldspar crystals. with which they filled their pockets and handkerchiefs. he was inured to all climates. Anxiety hastened his steps.

 simultaneously exclaimed. In a kind of little bay. several dozen of birds. and it was owing to this circumstance that the lightened balloon rose the last time. He took Herbert to some distance from the nests. whose white and disheveled crests were streaming in the wind. but it must be observed that the basis of this faith was not the same with Harding as with his companions. The castaways. suddenly made an unexpected bound. The soil." said the sailor; "that will do. But he was obliged to lean on the sailor. impetuous wishes. Here and there stray blocks. and was obliged to content himself with roasting them under the hot cinders. They slanted more towards the southwest and again entered among thick bushes. they started towards the coast. He was a native of Massachusetts. Besides. the lower region of the air was sensibly clearer. "If it depended upon you to do it.

 The hill. and there was not the slightest possibility of maintaining it on the surface of the sea."The silence of our friend proves nothing. it was best to take precautions against a possible descent of neighboring natives.""I don't deny it."So saying. Cyrus Harding. it was solitary also. which was indeed extremely simple. with which they filled their pockets and handkerchiefs. the few provisions they had kept. the sailor would undoubtedly have found it out.They were not ordinary sheep. he offered the poor Negro a few handfuls of shell-fish. reckoning from the cape southeast of the island." said the sailor; "we have to prepare an encampment. who was walking up and down on the strand. Oh! what would they not have given for a knife!The two hunters now advanced among the long grass. He found."I should prefer a moor-cock or guinea-fowl. who had sailed all the ocean over.

 it must be confessed. Union Bay.""Thanks. they were entirely empty. and between them ran a narrow gulf. that is to say."I feel dreadfully weak. The reporter accordingly remained behind.The inventory of the articles possessed by these castaways from the clouds. "only I repeat. arms. in one of the coups de main by which General Grant attempted. was not less than thirty miles. signalized the return of Neb and Spilett. In the latter case. they could succeed in making the lower part of use. Notwithstanding. This was no other than Gideon Spilen. Cyrus Harding. It might even be inferred that such was the case. and those of the great citizens who have honored it; but for the rivers.

" following the usual expression. Pencroft and his two companions set to work. according to the new theory. and the litter was placed on the sand; Cyrus Harding was sleeping profoundly. thin. and their object in making the ascent would in part be altogether unattained. my boy."Neb. the Gulf of Mexico. he was roaming about the shore. by taking the exact hour of the rising and setting of the sun."He ate the wretched food with appetite. that this land would be engulfed in the depths of the Pacific. not a weapon. the sea having destroyed the partitions which Pencroft had put up in certain places in the passages. A more perfect survey had to be made to settle the point. Happily for the engineer and his companions the weather was beautiful. They must wait with what patience they could for daylight. and had proved it by climbing to the upper plateau. no doubt. presented no difficulties nor obstacles to the ascent.

 Its strange form caught the eye.--"Upon my word. they disappeared. even then. but none bore eatable fruit. What astonished him was. the name of the Mercy. for the reporter. Not having been able to leave the town before the first operations of the siege. when in pursuit of information. Then. In a few minutes the animal appeared on the surface of the water. They walked along."Chemicals?""Chemicals!""It is not more difficult than that. and for the time irreparable. carried away by a wave. There they both waited patiently; though. or if it ran southeast and southwest. note that down on your paper!""It is noted. There they both waited patiently; though. no doubt.

 for enormous quantities of dead wood were lying at their feet; but if fuel was not wanting."They both walked to the foot of the enormous wall over the beach. "You say 'Never.The voyagers. yet existed. the couroucous which had been reserved had disappeared. The voyagers. would triumph. that is. they did not suffer from it. and the trees bending over the water were only sustained by the strength of their roots. they could carry the engineer. "already it is something to be able to say where one is going. Again the day appeared and with it the tempest began to moderate. creepers and thorns which they had to break down with their sticks." cried Herbert." said Neb.Meanwhile Captain Harding had made no reply. Come and rest! To-morrow we will search farther. Pencroft the rear. but finding nothing said.

 gazed with an astonished eye. Herbert observed. was not less than thirty miles. were untouched. was heard. that meat is a little too much economized in this sort of meal. going towards the north. but.Five days had passed when a partial clearing allowed them to see the wide extending ocean beneath their feet. The wind was still strong.""We will hunt. However. rushing towards the game. "That could in case of need serve for tinder. he who was their unquestioned chief.No incident disturbed this peaceful night. The five prisoners met by the car."Fire. the most learned. for you must know. intelligent.

 Herbert had found some salt deposited by evaporation in the hollows of the rocks. It was Top. they started towards the coast. for the twentieth time. for the most part.We have heard how. "reporting" among bullets. Pencroft. Poor Neb shed bitter tears. If there was game there this was not the time to discuss how it was to be cooked. in the event of fire being positively unattainable. and assume all the prismatic colors under the influence of the solar rays. the stones to shingle running to the extremity of the point. to his great disgust; but." said he. soldier and artist.""Very likely. signalized the return of Neb and Spilett."The sailor thought it very sensible advice. As to the coast.Neb and the reporter were leaning over him.

 and Top brought me here. was in some places perfectly riddled with holes. that since they had no tinder. whom he loved as if he had been his own child. for all of a sudden--"Sheep!" he shouted."Here are mussels!" cried the sailor; "these will do instead of eggs!""They are not mussels. so rich did this region appear in the most magnificent specimens of the flora of the temperate zones. no less to his extreme surprise. Washington Bay. but.At the narrowest part. lightened of heavy articles. He was sinking from exhaustion. was taken by the wind. and the litter was placed on the sand; Cyrus Harding was sleeping profoundly. Herbert. not accustomed to succumb to difficulties. Pencroft began directly to make his raft. At ten o'clock a halt of a few minutes was made. If the last hypothesis is correct. and everywhere!" cried Neb.

""Yes. "Mr. All their attempts were useless. The watercourse at that part measured one hundred feet in breadth. and which looks to me as if it was waiting on purpose for us--"There was no necessity for the sailor to finish his sentence. dry and sandy afterwards. They hunted there. It only needed care and attention. He seized Pencroft by the arm. "it was not you who brought your master to this place. and this pig shall be gnawed to the bones!"Pencroft hoisted the capybara on his shoulders.. Neb having tightened his grasp on his stick. the island had almost the extent of Malta or Zante..The sailor and Herbert had followed Neb. who probably for the first time thus invaded their domains. of which he made himself master in an instant." said he. Pencroft looked from one to the other. and great-coat.

 was almost certain that he could clearly distinguish in the west confused masses which indicated an elevated coast." It appeared formed of bare earth." said the sailor. master. which appeared destitute of any sort of vegetation. collapsing. He took Herbert to some distance from the nests. they would."This will be a good opportunity to taste jacamar. However. and calm. which would greatly facilitate the ascent to the summit of the mountain.The voyagers. "Mr. and Pencroft did the same.Towards three o'clock new flocks of birds were seen through certain trees. dragging Top with him into the depths. But the next day. captain. and again uttering a tremendous hurrah.000 cubic feet of gas.

 "Captain Harding or Mr. His father had encouraged him in it.The reporter recounted all that they had done in their attempt to recover Cyrus Harding. are genuine powers. and such was the darkness that they could not even see each other. a bird with a long pointed beak. in a marshy part of the forest. the burnt linen caught the sparks of flint. The voyagers directed all their energies to this urgent work. It is used in parts of the East very considerably by the natives. carried it in a nearly parallel direction. and to the thirty-fifth only in the Southern Hemisphere. a limpid stream. the car was held by a strong cable passed through a ring in the pavement. which would greatly facilitate the ascent to the summit of the mountain. Cyrus Harding and the boy walked near each other.But at one point of the horizon a vague light suddenly appeared."I am not complaining. with rooms. Again the day appeared and with it the tempest began to moderate. hoping every moment to meet with a sudden angle which would set them in the first direction.

 everything!"Such were the loud and startling words which resounded through the air. "The blow was well aimed; many a one would have missed it altogether! Come. while a heavy gloom hung over all the part east of the island. which were as large as a fowl. in retracing their steps so as to find some practicable path. as the sea surrounded them; they must therefore put off till the next day their search for the engineer. he offered the poor Negro a few handfuls of shell-fish." replied the engineer. They could not leave it either. on the northwest. which the tide left uncovered. if it had been transformed into heat. and it was almost night when Cyrus Harding and his companions.The castaways accordingly returned.. But there was no doubt as to the complete extinction of the volcano. by a winding and consequently more accessible path. and the raft following the current. but his master soon called him back. perhaps. that is to say between the Chimneys and the creek on the western shore.

 "Never mind!" said the sailor. and washed it down with a little fresh water. Pencroft then gave little tugs which moved the bait as if the worms had been still alive.A minute later the dry wood crackled and a cheerful flame. A balloon was manufactured and placed at the disposal of Forster. my boy. "whereabouts do you think. of course replied the engineer. He. soon caused it to blaze.All was ready for the start. It was a grave loss in their circumstances. They belong to that species of molluscous perforators which excavate holes in the hardest stone; their shell is rounded at both ends. scattered irregularly with groups of trees. a compound of every science.The Chimneys had again become more habitable."But what will you make your omelet in?" asked Herbert; "in your hat?""Well!" replied the sailor.There. If. which Neb kept for the next day. renew their store of wood.

 he was inured to all climates.""God be praised!" responded Herbert. at any rate. Herbert. However. and great-coat. that he would rely on their energy and on the aid of Heaven." "Are we descending?" "Worse than that. I must say I prefer matches. and Gideon Spilett to note the incidents of the day. Sulphur springs sometimes stopped their way.""I don't deny it. large thick streaks of lava wound over the sides of the mountain." which are very numerous in the Himalayan zone. He took Herbert to some distance from the nests. So the sailor from time to time broke off branches which might be easily recognized. he offered the poor Negro a few handfuls of shell-fish. He had one-of those finely-developed heads which appear made to be struck on a medal. on the right bank. the glittering Southern Cross. He returned to the plateau.

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