Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:45 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 0:28:56
If your skin isnt quite as radiant and glowing as youd like, youre probably searching for some serious skin care tips and pointers. Well, hopefully we can help you out. You know, your skin's health and vitality is a just like so many other things when it comes to your appearance and your overall health - you only get out of it what you put into it.
The Problem.
Some half-hearted efforts here and there to take care of your skin are not going to give you the same great results you would get with serious skin care; however, be warned because there are many mistakes you can make when trying to take care of your skin that can make it look and feel worse.
Ok, the first misconception many people have is that serious skin care means more frequent cleaning and more vigorous methods of cleaning. Not so fast! Many folks with acne or other blemishes can get very frustrated and very angry and they feel that they simply need to scrub away their entire face to have clear skin.
The Facts.
The facts reveal something quite different. In reality these practices can cause your skin to get very dry, very rough, very irritated, very red, very flaky, and even very itchyvery not good! The skin is delicate and no serious skin care practices should include treatment or cleansing that is overly rough.
And when you clean, dont forget that you're also stripping away important natural oils that the face needs to keep the skin soft and supple. Intense cleaning too often means that those oils are going to be stripped too often and this will end up leaving your face dry and irritated. Those natural oils are your face's own defense against lines and wrinkles, so while you want serious skin care to get your face clean you certainly don't want it to mean premature aging either.
You may be asking: "So What do I Do?"
A good moisturizer applied twice daily is a vital part of serious skin care. Moisturizers keep the skin soft and supple and when the skin is supple it more easily bounces back from being stretched or scrunched up. So when you make those funny faces or sad faces, properly moisturized skin will go back to normal when you do.
When it stops bouncing back, then lines and wrinkles are formed. Moisturizers also act as a protective barrier between the skin and the elements in the air that bother it such as dust, dirt, pollution, and so on.
Can You Handle the Truth?
Very serious skin care means taking the time to remove all your makeup at night, to clean the skin thoroughly, and then to apply a moisturizer as well. During sleep the body renews and repairs itself so this is an important time to apply moisturizers. Adding another application in the morning before you head out is also an important part of serious skin care because this will protect the skin while its being sapped of moisture throughout the day.
If youre serious about serious skin care make sure that you follow a good basic skincare regimen but don't overdo it either. Neglecting your skin is not goodits bad--but going to the other extreme and being harsh and rough with your skin is just as bad if you want truly healthy, radiant and glowing skin.
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